Our Treatments

A therapeutic approach, taking place in nature, using non-verbal and creative methods to extend common therapeutic practices in ways that can include a dialogue with nature.

Cupping therapy (Hijamath/ Mahaajim) is an ancient Unani medicinal technique/procedure. It’s a type of regimental therapy (Ilaj-bil-had beer) that involves creating a local suction on the skin.

Humans have known for generations that this is a strategy to increase blood and lymph flow. This message was already employed in traditional Chinese medicine.

Cupping is a deep-tissue massage technique that employs small cups to apply counter-pressure to deep muscles and fascia. Cupping allows muscles, fascia, and fluid to move in unusual ways by lifting rather than compressing them.

As we referenced beforehand, fire measuring is another option, harmless treatment procedure that utilizes extraordinary cups put on the skin to urge bloodstream to harmed regions.

An acupuncturist will embed needles into an individual’s body, fully intent on adjusting their energy. This, it is guaranteed, can assist with helping prosperity and may fix a few ailments.

Acupressure is only one of various Asian bodywork treatments (ABT) established in conventional Chinese medication (TCM). These are similar energy meridians and acupoints as those designated with needle therapy.

A Steam bath is a steam-occupied space with the end goal of unwinding and purifying. Since old occasions, steam bath has been utilized as a customary recuperating framework from one side of the planet to the other.

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