Cupping therapy

What is Hijamath Cupping therapy?

Cupping therapy (Hijamath/ Mahaajim) is an ancient Unani medicinal technique/procedure. It’s a type of regimental therapy (Ilaj-bil-had beer) that involves creating a local suction on the skin. This helps to promote healing and treat ailments by increasing blood flow.

It’s a unique approach for removing or diverting morbid humor from a specific area. A horn is affixed to the surface of the affected part’s skin, and a vacuum is used to create negative pressure. The application of heat or suction creates a vacuum.

What are the many kinds of Cupping?

Cupping was probably first done with animal horns. Cups were later constructed of bamboo and subsequently ceramic.

The use of heat was largely used to create suction. Cups are applied to the skin after heated. The cups sucked the skin within as they cooled. Bell-shaped glass cups are commonly used in modern Cupping. They could also be constructed of silicone or plastic.

Today's cupping techniques are divided into four categories:

  • Dry Cupping is a suction-only type of Cupping.
  • Suction and controlled medicinal bleeding may be used in wet/bleeding Cupping.
  • Running cupping is moving suctioned cups around the body after massaging the desired location with oil.
    Cupping can also include the use of acupuncture needles, moxibustion (the burning of mugwort leaves), magnets, laser therapy, electrical stimulation, and water.
  • herbs Face Cupping, sports cupping, orthopedic Cupping, and aquatic Cupping are subsets of Cupping. Which procedure is chosen will be determined by your practitioner, medical needs, and preferences.

Consider the following points:

Cupping therapy isn’t suitable for all people.
If you’re on blood thinners, avoid cupping.
Cupping therapy must be neglected if you have:

  • a sunburn
  • a cut
  • a skin ulcer
  • recent trauma
  • an internal organ disease
  • weakening skin

Cupping should be avoided on the following: veins, arteries, nerves, skin irritation or lesions, body orifices, eyes, lymph nodes, and varicose veins.

Most medical professionals lack training or experience in complementary and alternative medicine (CAM). Even so, if you decide to add Cupping to your treatment plan, it’s a good idea to let your doctor know.

Continue to see your doctor about your condition frequently to obtain the best of both worlds. Cupping should not be used in place of medical treatment, although it can be used in conjunction with it.


Who can take this treatment?

Most specialists concur that cupping is protected. Hijama may be helpful in barren ladies to accomplish a pregnancy. In children, it is reasonable somewhere between seven and fourteen years old. Medium cupping can likewise be applied to grown-ups on the stomach and mid-region.

What are the advantages?

1. Cupping assists with diminishing agony and irritation.
2. Improves bloodstream.
3. Used for unwinding, prosperity, and profound tissue knead.
4. It is a protected, harmless and cheap treatment.
5. Rejuvenation of body organs.
6. Facilitates mending process and reinforces insusceptible framework.

Is there any side effects

Cupping is an okay therapy. The incidental effects will normally happen during your treatment or following. Dazedness or discombobulation, perspiring or queasiness might be experienced. Some more incidental effects are given underneath.
• Consumes from warmed cups.
• Weariness.
• Cerebral pains.
• Muscle pressure or irritation.
• Sickness.
• Skin contaminations, swelling, tingling or scarring

Is this healthy?

Indeed, cupping expands blood flow to the space where the cups are put. This might assuage muscle pressure, which can further develop by and large bloodstream and advance cell fix. It makes fresh blood vessels in the tissue.

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